Month / May 2015
The Growing Evidence That P3s Are Delivering Value
Faced with constrained resources, government officials continue to turn to public-private partnerships (P3s) for various reasons, including maximizing capital resources, transferring risk, accelerating project delivery, achieving cost savings and enhancing accountability. This is particularly true for capital-intensive, highly complex infrastructure projects. But what evidence exists from projects that have been completed or are under construction…
Build Your Portfolio With Infrastructure Investments
Investment in infrastructure provides many benefits including high returns, stability of returns, portfolio diversification, and inflation hedging. Currently, there are four main avenues for investment in infrastructure: Listed shares, listed funds, unlisted securities, and un-listed funds. While listed securities are the most accessible for all investors, there are very few infrastructure assets large enough to…
The trillion-dollar gap
Investment in infrastructure provides many benefits including high returns, stability of returns, portfolio diversification, and inflation hedging. Currently, there are four main avenues for investment in infrastructure: Listed shares, listed funds, unlisted securities, and un-listed funds. While listed securities are the most accessible for all investors, there are very few infrastructure assets large enough to…